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Group Therapy Services

Group Programs: Bookings

Therapeutic & Wellness Groups

Learning Through Social Play

Group activities are critical to the development of children of all ages. Throughout the pandemic, these opportunities have been significantly limited to our kiddos, impacting how they grow and learn. Bizzy Bees provides group programming for typically and atypically developing children with a focus on inclusion, social skills, and motor development. Our goal is create physically and emotionally environments for children of all ability levels to build self-esteem through positive peer interaction!

Let's Be Friends:
Social Skills

8-Week Session

"Let's Be Friends" is one of our favorite groups! Lead by our amazing OTs and SLPs, children learn critical skills through play including turn taking, following directions, communication, body language and personal space. This group is full of fun games including obstacle courses, imaginary play, scooter boards and more!



8-Week Session

"SuperKids" is an awesome opportunity for kiddos to develop sensory and gross motor skills through challenging and fun play activities. Lead by our incredible PTs and OTs, this group focuses on appropriate movement patterns, progressing motor development, strength, balance, and coordination!

Kids with Capes

Words w/ Friends:
Language Skills

8-Week Session

"Words with Friends" is an excellent supplement to those kiddos struggling with language and communication skills! Lead by our inspiring SLPs, this group addresses language in a fun and social way that promotes positive use of language with age-appropriate peers!


Exershine POWER Bootcamp

8 Week Sessions

Performance & Occupation Based Workout for Exercise & Regulation: 
ExerSHINE Kids POWER Bootcamp Programs will improve core strength, balance, coordination, spatial awareness, motor planning, sensory processing skills and executive functioning skills using a uniquely designed, OT inspired, evidence based program. Weekly classes are highly structured, thematic, and adult-guided to practice focus, concentration, listening skills, peer cooperation and social skills. Eight week sessions are designed by OT's and taught by the trained Bizzy Bees OTs and OTAs.

Group Programs: Our Services
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